About Intergroup

What is an Intergroup (IG)?

When several groups form in an area, they soon realize that they can better perform certain tasks together rather than separately. So the groups may form an Intergroup that is directly responsible to the groups it serves.

Intergroups spring from a need to provide service for a number of local groups and better information about OA in a community (adapted from OA Handbook for Members, Groups, Intergroups). Click here for Greater Atlanta Intergroup contact information.

Typical services provided by an intergroup are:

  • Providing a central telephone number for information about OA and the local meetings
  • Publishing regular newsletters or bulletins to keep groups informed about each other and upcoming OA events
  • Coordinating speakers, public information and contact with the professional community
  • Sending delegates to regional assemblies and the World Service Business Conference

The Greater Atlanta Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous staffs a virtual office with a part-time office manager.

The IG meets the second Saturday of every month from 10:30 am to noon by Zoom (see below).

Each OA group is invited to elect an official voting representative called and Intergroup Representative.  However, all members are encouraged and welcome to attend intergroup meetings.

Attending Greater Atlanta OA Intergroup Meetings remotely with zoom

Attend via Zoom or phone.

Shortened link:   https://bit.ly/3e6jdtL

OR (full link): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4313943661?pwd=WXJaN3JPd0NhSjA4RjFKVGFJMnJMUT09

Join from zoom.com:
Meeting ID: 431 394 3661
Password: serenity

One tap mobile:

Dial in:
+1 646 558 8656

Meeting ID: 431 394 3661