TimeDistanceMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegionDistrictTypes
Sunday Atlanta Spirituality Sundays 10:30 am In Person and on Zoom WSO#29213
Galano Club
In-person and Online
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Literature Study, Newcomer, Online Meeting, Topic
Monday Atlanta Monday Recovery Noon - in person WSO#57449
Galano Club
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Big Book, Literature Study, Newcomer, Topic
Monday Atlanta, Holy Spirit Catholic Church Mondays at 7:00 PM in-person WSO#54314
NW Atlanta, Holy Spirit Catholic Church (the College Lounge room)
4465 Northside Dr NW Atlanta Literature Study, Newcomer, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Topic
Wednesday Atlanta, Galano Club Wednesday Noon- In-person WSO#57535
Galano Club
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Literature Study, Newcomer, OA Second and/or Third Edition
Saturday Atlanta Saturday Morning Live! 9:00 AM In-Person WSO#29209
Galano Club
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Big Book, Literature Study, Newcomer, Topic
Saturday Embry Hills Saturdays at 10:30 AM In-Person WSO#58116
Embry Hills United Methodist Church
3304 Henderson Mill Rd Atlanta Literature Study
Saturday Greater Atlanta, Saturday Newcomers Encounter 4th Sat. Zoom and in-person WSO#57839
Galano Club
In-person and Online
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Newcomer, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Online Meeting, Speaker, Topic