TimeDistanceMeetingLocation / GroupAddressRegionDistrictTypes
10:00 am Marietta, Wednesdays 10:00 AM Zoom WSO#800886
Marietta, GA Online Big Book, Newcomer, Online Meeting
Noon Atlanta, Galano Club Wednesday Noon- In-person WSO#57535
Galano Club - Room #2
585 Dutch Valley Rd NE Atlanta Literature Study, Newcomer, OA Second and/or Third Edition
Noon Atlanta Noon Zoom - Wednesday WSO#800459
Atlanta, GA Online Literature Study, Newcomer, OA Second and/or Third Edition, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Online Meeting
6:30 pm Jasper Wednesdays at 6:30 PM in person WSO#51129
Our Lady of the Mountain Catholic Church
1908 Waleska Hwy Jasper Literature Study, Newcomer, OA Steps and/or Traditions Study, Topic